Ways to reduce air pollution are, the first we have to throw trash in its place. Secondly, we have to do service projects at regular intervals around our house. Third, we should plant trees around our house or the street. Fourth, we should not dump waste into rivers. Fifth, we should not smoke in any place. Sixth, we better use a bicycle to go to work or school. Seventh, to plant industrial plant should not dump waste into rivers. Eighth, we can recycle waste so waste can be reduced. Ninth, we can do reforestation. Tenth, we must use environmentally friendly vehicles. Eleventh, the government should do counseling about the dangers of air pollution for the city of Jakarta. Twelfth, we must use environmentally friendly fuels. Thirteenth, we can recycle garbages.
Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011
Minggu, 25 September 2011
Floods are natural disasters caused by high rainfall.
Floods has occured in many countries. One of the biggest is in china in 1931. In china, millions of people die caused by floods. Flood victims in china around 2.500.000-3.700.000. In indonesia, floods caused victims as much as 230.000 people died in 2004.
Floods happen because many people who cutting down the trees continously, so there are no trees which can absorb the water if it rains.
Floods happen because many people throw away the rubbish anywhere , resulting inblockage of water channels.
Floods happens because the volume of water in a body of water such as lakes and rivers to overflow or break through the dam so the water out of its natural boundaries.
How to prevent the floods are:
Floods happen because many people who cutting down the trees continously, so there are no trees which can absorb the water if it rains.
Floods happen because many people throw away the rubbish anywhere , resulting inblockage of water channels.
Floods happens because the volume of water in a body of water such as lakes and rivers to overflow or break through the dam so the water out of its natural boundaries.
How to prevent the floods are:
1. We have to throw away the rubbish into the dustbin
2. We have to do reforestation.
3. We must realize that the tree is important
Selasa, 06 September 2011
Tabel Penyakit Ginjal dan Hati (IPA)
No. | Nama Penyakit | Penyebab | Cara Pengobatan |
1 | Nefritis | 1. Infeksi bakteri penyakit pada nefron. 2. Suatu reaksi kekebalan yang keliru dan melukai ginjal | 1. Meminum Obat obatan seperti: Bactesyn, Cravit, Ethidol, Negram, Volequin, Zinnat. |
2 | Batu Ginjal | 1. Pengendapan kalsium di dalam rongga ginjal, saluran ginjal, atau kandung kemih | 1. Kurangi mengkomsumsi garam mineral 2. Memperbanyak mengkomsumsi air putih. |
3 | Hepatitis | 1. Virus Hepatitis A | 1. Vaksin Hepatitis 2. Menjaga kebersihan lingkungan 3. Menghindari kontak langsung dengan penderita hepatitis 4. Tidak menggunakan jarum suntik untuk pemakaian lebih dari satu kali. |
4 | Kanker hati | 1. Tidur terlalu malam dan bangun terlalu siang 2. Pola makan yang berlebihan 3. Tidak buang air dipagi hari 4. Terlalu banyak mengonsumsi obat obatan. | 1. Hindari mengkomsumsi rokok dan alkohol 2. Mengatur pola makan secara teratur 3. Tidur tidak terlalu malam dan bangun tidak terlalu siang. |
5 | Sirosis | 1. Kebiasaan meminum alkohol 2. Infeksi virus Hepatitis C | 1. Tidak mengkomsumsi alkohol |
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